Hot Toddy Recipe

by Lauren's Latest

Why you'll love it

This Hot Toddy Recipe has all of the usual suspects, but I’ve taken wellness to new heights by adding immune-boosting spices like star anise, cloves and of course a cinnamon stick.

Simple  Ingredients

Whiskey Lemon Juice Manuka Honey Hot Water Cinnamon Stick Lemon Slices Whole Cloves Star Anise Pod

Health Benefits

Fresh Lemon Juice + Lemon Slices – rich in Vitamin C, promoting immune system health.

Raw Manuka Honey – beneficial for wound healing, sore throats, and digestive health.

Cinnamon Stick – rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, also has natural antimicrobial properties.

Whole Clove – may help relieve symptoms of cough and congestion.

Star Anise – rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial,  properties. Rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A and iron.

How to Make this Hot Toddy Tea Recipe

#1: In a heat-resistant glass or mug, combine whiskey, honey, lemon juice and hot water.

How to Make this Hot Toddy Tea Recipe

#2: Stir until honey is dissolved.Place whole cloves into a lemon slice (so you don't swallow them whole!)

How to Make this Hot Toddy Tea Recipe

#3: Garnish the beverage with lemon slices (with clove), cinnamon stick and star anise.