Coconut Chicken with Pineapple and Peppers

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Coconut Chicken with Pineapple and Peppers is a sweet and tropical dinner, perfect for a special occasion.

Coconut Chicken with Pineapple and Peppers

Happy Friday, friends!!

I’m confident the universe is out to get me.

My husband leaves and things just fall apart. I blame the Army, but the reality is my bad luck strikes exactly right in sync with my husband’s military trainings.

My car is acting CRAZY. The battery keeps dying and random dashboard lights keep popping up like it’s Christmas. I took it to Jiffy Lube to get a new battery and they looked at my like I was crazy. “Your battery is fine.” they said. “Your alternator looks good” they said. After a few diagnostic tests, and $0 later, they sent me on my way.

Going to Jiffy lube with 3 hungry kids for an hour is really fun, by the way. You should try it sometime.

So, I’m just living with a van whose radio, locks and power doors struggle to function. It runs fine and all the dashboard lights keep coming up and then going away, so I’m assuming it’s nothing serious {the lights go away, after all}. I am consistently praying that nothing bad happens until my husband comes home in 9 days. Pray with me, will you friends? Car problems are my nemesis.

Also: I most definitely got projectile vommitted on by my sweet little baby Eddie. At the gym daycare. Right after my workout. All over me, all over my purse, all over the floor, and surprisingly not a bit on him. I smelled fantastic.

The lady at the daycare was like “well that explains why he was so fussy in here!”

So, his stomach bug paired with the last week of sleep regression {he was up 4 times last night alone…ugh} this mama is not running on all cylinders.  Oh look! A car metaphor! 

We’ve been trying to hunker down and not go very far or do very much on account of the sickness but that doesn’t last long when your two older children get along for 13 seconds.

Please give me ideas {besides tv} for summer activities we can do indoors! I’m running out of options fast!

Coconut Chicken with Pineapple and Peppers

The bright side of all of this is Brooke’s reaction to all the trouble. She’s started saying as a matter of factly “well, Mom, it totally could have been worse.”

Of course she is right, but then she tells me HOW it could have been worse which is pretty darn hilarious.

Car breaks down. It could have been worse. You’re right. How? The car could have broken down at, like, the store or something and then we would have been stuck forever. 

Eddie throws up. It could have been worse. You’re right. How? He could have thrown up in your mouth like I did to Dad when I was a baby. 

Car breaks down again. It could have been worse. You’re right. How? The car could have broken down in, like, the Chick-Fil-A drive thru before we got our food. 

That Brooke is wise beyond her years.

On top of all of the above, our dryer wasn’t working because there was some insulation left in the dryer vent, so we had to wait a week for the builders to come fish it out. Aaand, there was a small leak in one of our pipes too which luckily got fixed yesterday.

SERIOUSLY. All of this stuff happens only when my husband is not around. It’s a conspiracy.

Anyways, the moral of the story is I’m a much kinder, gentler person when my husband is home. Here’s to 9 more days of insanity.

Coconut Chicken with Pineapple and Peppers

Thankfully, I have had this recipe waiting in the wings for moments like this. Because I should just come to expect anything and everything to go wrong when I’m parenting alone.

So, Coconut Chicken with Pineapple and Peppers. This is a sweet and tropical dinner! I love coconut encrusted anything, so that chicken paired with this sweet and slightly spicy sauce {and fried rice} was amazing. Our kids weren’t too crazy about it because their tolerance for peppers is at a -7, but Gord and I loved it! If I recall, I got mad at Gordon for finishing the leftovers the next day. Ha! Such a good wife I am.

Anyways, this recipe does take a little time and effort to make, but that’s mostly because you are hand coating the chicken in flour, eggs and then sweetened coconut. After you get that part of the recipe done, it’s all downhill from there 🙂

Hope you guys enjoy! We love love loved it.

Have a wonderful weekend. I will be at my house hoping nothing else goes wrong. Ha! Except seriously.

Coconut Chicken with Pineapple and Peppers
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5 from 1 vote

Coconut Chicken with Pineapple and Peppers

Coconut Chicken with Pineapple and Peppers is a sweet and tropical dinner, perfect for a special occasion.
servings 4 servings
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 1 hour


For the chicken:

  • 2 chicken breasts about 1 lb. cut into pieces
  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour sprinkled with s&p to taste
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 2 cups sweetened coconut
  • 6 tablespoons canola oil divided
  • 2 tablespoons canola oil
  • 1 onion sliced
  • 1 red pepper cut into pieces
  • 1 green pepper cut into pieces
  • 20 oz pineapple tidbits one can, the small ones!!

for the sauce:

  • 3/4 cup pineapple juice use the canned pineapple juice!
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons sweet chile sauce
  • 2 teaspoons cornstarch


  • Get three shallow bowls ready to coat chicken: one with flour, salt and pepper, one with egg and milk, one with sweetened coconut.
  • Dredge chicken in flour, then egg mixture, then coconut.
  • Once all chicken is coated, cook in 3 batches using 2 tablespoons of oil per batch in a large, nonstick skillet over medium heat.
  • Place cooked chicken aside and replace pan to heat.
  • Add in another 2 tablespoons of oil and saute onions and peppers until cooked to your liking. I like mine a little bit on the crisp side, so I cooked mine about 4 minutes.
  • While veggies are cooking, measure out ingredients for sauce and whisk together. Add in drained pineapple to the pan, along with the sauce mixture and bring to boil until thickened slightly. Add in coconut chicken and cook another 2 minutes until heated through and serve over fried rice.


Calories: 739kcal | Carbohydrates: 71g | Protein: 19g | Fat: 43g | Saturated Fat: 14g | Cholesterol: 83mg | Sodium: 1134mg | Potassium: 814mg | Fiber: 9g | Sugar: 45g | Vitamin A: 1197IU | Vitamin C: 82mg | Calcium: 61mg | Iron: 3mg
Course: Dinner
Cuisine: hawaiian
Keyword: Coconut Chicken
5 from 1 vote

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24 Responses
  1. Ginger Sterling

    I LOVE coconut so I can’t wait to make this! THAnk you for your recipes and most importantly for always being so real when you write. Much appreciated!

  2. Annie

    Ditto re No Pinterest. I’ve. Asked this question before but never. Got an answer. I like many of your recipes but unlessI can post on Pinterest its file and forget.

  3. Annir

    Why is there no Pinterest logo on your recipes.? I would like to save some of them. But don’t want to have to print them and then forget where I file them

  4. Tina Gorman

    I made this a couple weeks ago, and followed the recipe as closely as possible. Even though I only used one of each color pepper, the pepper taste seemed to overwhelm the dish. Where did I go wrong – should I just have used the smaller peppers instead of bell peppers?

    1. Lauren

      How long did you cook the peppers for? I like my peppers crisp-tender, so I didn’t cook them as much as maybe you did? That’s the only thing I can think of!!

  5. Aimee

    I’m trying to eat less carbs in the new year, and this recipe is perfect! I’m definitely going to have to try it out. I think my husband and I will both love it. 🙂

  6. Carole Heisserer

    sorry for all the craziness in your life right now….car trouble with 3 kids and no husband home at present to help…hang in there…I will go to church this AM and be praying for the baby, you, and the car situation….Your recipes look so good and sensible to make….hang in girl….

  7. Crystal

    I’ll be praying that your car keeps it together until your hubby comes back home. You have a very wise daughter. Have a great week!!

  8. Vicky

    Hi, I have a fun idea for Brooke and Blake… Get Blakes small diggers and tractors together, find the biggest tray you have and a cup or two of dry rice or lentils or similar. They will be digging and scooping for ages, well fingers crossed they will.

  9. Leslie G

    Make a fort in the living room with blankets and towels, have a coloring fest. Have Cheetos wars ( put shower caps n your heads, cover the caps with CoolWhip and toss at one another – winner ha the mostCheetos), make play dough, finger paint in the bath tub …

  10. Debbie Peterson

    This looks fabulous! I’m always looking for new chicken recipes. I’m going to make this tonight. Thanks for blogging

  11. Katie Lynn

    It sounds to me as though you may have a problem with either the electrical system (which is literally the most difficult thing to track down and fix) or your computer. I suppose you could try replacing the fuses and see if that works, but I’m guessing it’s one or the other of those issues. My bet would be the computer, though. I would take it to a dealer and explain the issue, see what they say.
    This chicken looks really good! Definitely a great summer dish.

  12. Patti

    Hang in there. Only 9 more days. Your daughter is so funny, she’s insightful, and very wise. The chicken looks delicious. I love the combination of chicken and coconut and the addition of the peppers and onions. It reminds me of my favorite Chinese restaurant dish–salt and pepper shrimp. Except, of course, your version has coconut and is made with chicken. Do you think this would work with shrimp, too?
